COVID-19 Safety Precautions
Updated policy for patients, caregivers & vendors
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we are implementing extra precautions for the safety of our patients and staff.
Before entering our centre, all patients/vendors/caregivers will undergo a Safe Entry check-in, temperature screening and complete a declaration form on health status, contact and travel history.
Once in our centre:
- Keep mask on at all times (nose and mouth should be covered).
- Practising hand hygiene.
- Maintain social distance of at least 1 metre from all other patients and caregivers in the waiting room.
Guidelines for patients
Effective from July 2021, patients who have:
- fever, flu-like symptoms (e.g. runny nose, cough, shortness of breath), loss of smell
- travelled outside of and returned to Singapore within the last 14 days
- received a Health Risk Warning (HRW) SMS sent by MOH, with no valid negative COVID-19 PCR swab test result done on Day 14
Will be asked to defer their appointment or have an online consultation* with the audiologist.
*Applicable to existing hearing aid, tinnitus and implant patients only.

Guidelines for caregivers
Effective from July 2021, caregivers who have:
- fever, flu-like symptoms (e.g. runny nose, cough, shortness of breath), loss of smell
- travelled outside of and returned to Singapore within the last 14 days
- received a Health Risk Warning (HRW) SMS sent by MOH, with no valid negative COVID-19 PCR swab test result done on Day 14
Will be asked to find an alternative caregiver to company the patient. Under special exceptions*, caregivers can keep the appointment but have to present their negative self-administered ART result (done within 24 hours) to the staff prior to entry.
*Caregiver accompanying a young child or special needs patient.

Guidelines for vendors
Effective from July 2021, vendors are encouraged not to visit and to offer zoom sessions instead.